5 ways to feel fabulous during pregnancy

5 ways to feel fabulous during pregnancy

5 Ways to Feel Fabulous During Pregnancy

We love pregnant mamas and soooo many of you come across Belle Threads when you first find out you are having a little girl.  You start shopping for newborn outfits, then come back for holidays and then for first birthday and hopefully for every birthday after that!   We have even made custom dresses for little girls for their sweet 16's as well!

I thought it would be fun to put together a list of 5 ways to feel Fabulous during pregnancy. From the first moment you find out a little bundle of joy is heading your way suddenly your first priority becomes this little human. It is easy to forget to take care of  yourself during this time when you are not feeling your best all the time. Some women absolutely LOVE everything about pregnancy like our founder, Tannia.  She says it all the time she has always felt most beautiful while pregnant! 

I can't speak for everyone else in the world but I know myself and my own experience. Pregnancy was not what I expected at all. I felt like my body had been attacked, I was sick throughout my entire pregnancy and felt bigger than a house. It was not the joyful experience I was promised and I desperately needed to feel fabulous. 

Here are five ways you can do just that: 

  1. Get Maternity Photos Taken!
  2. Go Shopping! 
  3. Treat Yourself.
  4. Rest and ask for help. 
  5. Embrace the bump. 

Get Maternity Photos Taken.

If you were anything like me during my pregnancy you don't even want to see photos of yourself right now. Your face is fuller than you are used to, you can barely see your feet over the massive bump you are now sporting and you can't find too many things that fit well. The last thing you are thinking of is getting Maternity photos taken. This is a mistake! 

Make sure you take the time to do them because mark my words, there will be a time when you look back at this moment wistfully. It may be while your toddler is testing your patience by not eating anything that isn't cut into squares or shaped like a dinosaur. It may be when your tiny tot suddenly right before your eyes is on the way to their first day of Kindergarten. Whenever this nostalgia hits you will want something to look back on to remember when that walking talking human did indeed come from within you. 

Take the time to get your maternity shoot done, dress up in a fabulous gown, get your hair and makeup done and commemorate this moment before it passes you by. 

Belle Threads offers custom maternity gowns but we are most well known for our fabulous newborn outfits!  See them all here!  Shop Newborn
These outfits are loved by newborn photographers, girl moms, first time moms and really all moms that love to doll up their babes!  

 Go Shopping! 

Don't wait until nothing fits to shop for maternity clothing. Take the time to find some fabulous outfits you will wear again and again. If you find something you love that fits you well, consider buying it in several colors and several sizes so it can "grow with you" during your pregnancy. 

If you are on a budget you can find awesome places to shop with that have gently used consignment Maternity clothing as well. 

When your pregnancy is over you can either keep those items for the next one if you are planning for more or you can gift to an expecting mom who might be in need. Another option is you can resell or donate your maternity clothing too.

A little tip though, maybe wait a few months after pregnancy before you donate. I know that I needed my pregnancy pants for a while after baby was out. It takes 9 months to make a baby, 9 months to fully recover from your body's traumatic experience. Don't expect to get your pre-baby shape back immediately and there is absolutely nothing wrong if your body never completely "bounces back". Pregnancy is life altering, world changing, and literally a modern day miracle. You made a baby!  Mothers really are incredible. 

Treat Yourself.

Get a manicure. Eat that extra cupcake. Put your feet up and make your significant other give you a foot massage. You are going through an experience that is incredibly hard on your body, on your identity and at times on your mental health. Pregnancy and later birth is literally life altering, so don't shy away from taking the time to treat yourself when you can. 

After baby comes you will find you don't have as much time as you did before so these moments when you can go and do for yourself may seem to you frivolous or selfish but they aren't. You deserve it Mama! 

Can't afford a day of pampering at a spa? That is ok. You can make a spa day at home with a quick trip to your local drug store. You can pick up a facial mask, pedicure kit, your favorite treats, bubble bath and you've got yourself the start of a pampering party you won't soon forget. 

Rest and ask for help. 

During Pregnancy and really anytime it is common to try and "do it all" without asking for help when needed. You do not need to try to handle everything yourself. When you are going through this huge transition in life it is essential that you have a support system in place and you surround yourself with people who will be there to help when needed even before the baby comes. Don't be afraid to ask those friends and family members you have for help. 

I cannot say this enough, take naps. Please nap anytime you can. I miss naps. I think the last nap I can remember was 10 years ago, pre-babies. Pregnancy messes with your hormones in a crazy way and you are more tired that you have ever been in your life. This is because your body is busy making a human being. It needs as much rest as it can get. Netflix and chill may be how you got preggers to begin with but Netflix and Nap for a pregnant mom should be a requirement! Sleep when you can, rest your body when you can and don't worry about trying to do it all.  

Embrace the bump. 

When you are in the thick of pregnancy it is hard to imagine you ever missing that baby bump, but speaking from a mom of 3 who's youngest and final baby is in Kindergarten - YOU WILL MISS IT. You will miss touching your tummy and knowing your baby is safely inside getting the nutrition they need, not being harmed by anything in the outside world.

When they are born it is a joy in a whole other way. You will be able to experience their firsts with them - The first time they eat solid food, their first words, and steps, the first time they call you "Mommy" and the first time they kiss you. For now though they are safe inside that warm home you have made for them. You can feel their little feet moving and kicking. 

So, embrace the bump. Show it off. Be proud to have the superhero like ability to create a human. You go Mama! 

I hope these 5 tips have helped you feel Fabulous during your pregnancy. If you have any tips from your own pregnancy you would like to share feel free to comment below. We love hearing from our all our mamas!

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